Brazilian Flame
Conjunto de cesta brasileira Flame Grill
Conjunto de cesta brasileira Flame Grill
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Brazilian Flame KIT GRILL - Conjunto de cestas de grelha para sua churrasqueira a gás Brazilian Flame 3 ou 5 espetos.
Cada grelha de cesta comporta até 3,3 libras de comida e gira uniformemente em sua churrasqueira brasileira. Os cestos podem ser usados juntos ou separadamente. Cozinhe hambúrgueres com rapidez e facilidade, sem que eles se desfaçam ou queimem.
Cesta de Legumes
Esta cesta de legumes é excelente para cozinhar legumes em sua churrasqueira brasileira Flame Rotisserie, incluindo berinjela, abóbora, cebola, pimentão, aspargos, batatas, cogumelos, couve-flor, brócolis, couve de Bruxelas, etc.
- Capacidade alimentar: 5 lb | Dimensões: 21,75 pol. x 5,5 pol. x 1,8 pol. | Peso: 1,6 lb (0,72 kg)
Cesta de Peixe
Use esta cesta de peixes para cozinhar qualquer peixe ou marisco, como camarão, vieiras, salmão, tilápia, etc.
Capacidade alimentar: 3,3 libras | Dimensões: 21,75 pol. x 5,5 pol. x 1,2 pol. | Peso: 1,5 lb (0,67 kg)
Cesta plana
A cesta plana é ótima para grelhar hambúrgueres, cachorros-quentes, camarões, camarões, um delicado peixe inteiro, tomate cereja, etc., em sua Churrasqueira Brasileira Flame Rotisserie.
Capacidade alimentar: 3,3 libras | Dimensões: 21,75 pol. x 5,5 pol. x 0,9 pol. | Peso: 1,3 lb (0,58 kg)

Wood Made Handle
The friendly wood-made handle, sourced from reforested areas, limits heat transfer from the basket. Safe and precise. It’s ideal for grilling hamburgers, fish, vegetables, shrimp, hot dogs, chicken, fish, beef, or other meats and vegetables.

Basket Grill for Rotisserie Grill
With the rotisserie grill rotating system, these baskets ensure your food is more evenly cooked and tastier than in the oven, skillet, or standard grill. We are committed to providing you with the best outdoor products and cooking experience.

Easy to Clean
The Basket Grill is made of 320 food-grade stainless steel, reusable and robust, rust-resistant, and developed for long-term use. Dishwasher safe. A modern design makes this barbecue roaster quick and easy to clean, practical, and straightforward.

For the first time in the USA
Until now, nothing like this has ever been available in the US. Fans of barbecue, grilled meats, Brazilian food, and outdoor enthusiasts – Brazilian Flame basket grills are available for the first time in the USA.

Brazilian Flame BASKET GRILL SET
- Set Grill Baskets for all models of your Brazilian Flame Rotisserie Grill.
Each basket grill holds up to 3.3 pounds of food and rotates evenly on your Brazilian Flame Rotisserie Grill. The baskets may be used together or separately. Cook burgers quickly and easily without them falling apart or burning.
Vegetables Basket
This vegetable basket is excellent for cooking vegetables in your Brazilian Flame Rotisserie Grill, including eggplants, squash, onions, peppers, asparagus, potatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.
- Food Capacity: 5lb | Dimensions: 21.75in x 5.5in x 1.8in | Weight: 1.6lb (0.72Kg)
Fish Basket
Use this fish basket for cooking any fish or seafood such as shrimp, scallops, salmon, tilapia, etc.
- Food Capacity: 3.3lb | Dimensions: 21.75in x 5.5in x 1.2in | Weight: 1.5lb (0.67Kg)
Flat Basket
The flat basket is great for grilling burgers, hotdogs, shrimp, prawns, a delicate whole fish, cherry tomatoes, etc., in your Brazilian Flame Rotisserie Grill.
- Food Capacity: 3.3lb | Dimensions: 21.75in x 5.5in x 0.9in | Weight: 1.3lb (0.58Kg)